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Ballinderry River

Wellbrook Rd
Wellbrook Rd
Wellbrook Rd
Cloghoe Rd
Cloghoe Rd
Cloghoe Rd
Unteres Kildress
Unteres Kildress
Unteres Kildress
Knocknaroe Rd
Knocknaroe Rd
Knocknaroe Rd

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The Ballinderry River flows eastwards through the county of Tyrone, Northern Ireland. As it rises in the foothills of the Sperrin mountains, it twists its way through the Kildress countryside to Cooks. With it's large populations of free rising Brown Trout up to two pounds in weight, the Ballinderry River is quite rightly thought of as one of the, if not the, best trout rivers in Northern Ireland.

Although the trout are in the main smallish fish, in the region of 4 - 6 ounces, they are hard fighting and plenty in number to keep the angler interested.

Whilst many trout will be caught on wet flies and nymphs, they are also taken in great numbers on dry flies throughout the length of the river. As usual the best time for dry fly fishing are from late April to early June, especially when Hawthorn flies are hatching.

The season starts on the first day of March and ends on the last day of October.

The Ballinderry also has runs of salmon and dollaghen from September onwards, but runs can be as early as July given the right amount of rain.

Most anglers use heavier and longer rods, a rod of 9ft or more rated 5 or above should suffice. For the Salmon, a single hander of 9.5ft, 7 weight, is enough to cover most lies along the middle and upper stretches of the Ballinderry. Though some anglers find that a small double hander allows you to cover the water more effectively in the lower Ballinderry.

Cressabelle has exclusive visitor rods available each day which may be booked on the Availability link.   

Ticket price includes ALL local regulatory rod licences and permits.

You will have access to fishing on the river and details will be provided on river rules and regulations you will be expected to follow.  Please ensure your equipment is appropriately sterilised and complete the declaration form prior to arrival.

A location map will be provided.  All waters are shared with local anglers attached to clubs and associations.

An angling guide is advisable for this fishery, please request information via email.  Options include a 2 hr river guide, a full day or half day angling guide (1 guide for up to 3 people).

The angling guide is recommended for inexperienced anglers or anglers new to river fishing.  The river guide is recommended for anglers who have not been on this river previously, they have local fishing knowledge to get you started.

Cressabelle will endeavour to assist you to meet all the requirements.  

Warum Sie hier fischen müssen

With it's large populations of free rising Brown Trout up to two pounds in weight, the Ballinderry River is quite rightly thought of as one of the, if not the, best trout rivers in Northern Ireland.

Max. Ruten/Genehmigungen

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